Safeguard Your Business With These 13 Cybersecurity Essentials.

Your Businesses is at Risk

But our top priority is to PROTECT your business

Businesses of all sizes are at risk, but small- to medium-sized businesses are especially at risk for cyber attacks. In 2023, 46% of small businesses with 1,000 employees or fewer were cyber-attack victims.

Now more than ever, having robust cyber security policies in place is vital. There are 13 cybersecurity essentials your business needs to implement. Worries of malware, phishing attacks and data breaches will soon be a distant memory with G6 IT’s military-grade cybersecurity services.

Our download offers the basics you need to know at a glance. Download your copy today.   

Get the Checklist Now!

Are you Doing Enough to Protect Against Cyber Threats?

of cyber attacks are initiated as a result of a phishing email
$ trillion
was the total global cost of cybercrime in 2023
was the reported number of customers who lost trust in a business after suffering a data breach

Here is Why Having a Cybersecurity Essentials Checklist Matters

Billions upon billions of dollars are the cost companies pay when cybercrime happens. It’s an extremely lucrative business.  Here at G6 IT, we understand the ins and outs of the complex cybersecurity world. With our expert guidance, we’ll help you stay a step ahead of the criminals, create battle-tested security protocols and ensure you are making informed decisions about your company’s digital safety. 

Our checklist provides the fundamentals of cybercrime risk management and the potential risks facing your business. The checklist gives you the essential approaches to defend against cyber criminals.

Download our guide for more information.

Download G6 IT’s Cybersecurity Essentials Checklist to ensure your business is safe against the cyber threats that pose a risk to your business. This checklist has 13 crucial areas of focus aimed at safeguarding the security, productivity, and well-being of your data and team.