Cybersecurity Compliance: What Is It and How Can My Business Stay Compliant?

Cybersecurity Compliance from G6 IT

Did you know Google, one of the biggest companies in the world, paid $57 million in non-compliance fees for failure to disclose data collection processes? Even the most successful companies need help with compliance. What Is Security Compliance? Cybersecurity compliance is meeting the security requirements relevant to your industry. All industries have different security standards because they store various…

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Do I Need Cyber Insurance Coverage?

Cyber Insurance Coverage from G6 IT

Many people don’t buy cyber insurance coverage because they think it’s too expensive. But according to, cyber insurance only costs around $500 to $5,000 per year while data breaches cost businesses over $3.5 million on average. Would you rather pay millions of dollars to get your data back or just invest in cyber insurance? What Is Cyber Insurance Coverage?…

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What Is Cybersecurity Compliance?

G6 IT Fort Wayne What Is Cybersecurity Compliance

Noncompliance results in disrupted business, lost revenue, decreased productivity, and potential financial penalties. What’s your company doing to uphold cybersecurity compliance? The Basics of Cybersecurity Compliance Cybersecurity compliance is necessary for your business’s success. There are specific cybersecurity compliance requirements that you have to meet, depending on your industry. If you’re not sure what certifications you need, follow this…

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Most Common Types of Cyberattacks

Most Common Types of Cyberattacks

Did you know cybercriminals develop 230,000 new malware samples every day? With malware production consistently increasing each year, your business will likely become a target this year. Learn more about the most common types of cyberattacks and see a few real-life examples. Common Cyberattacks According to a study completed by the NSA data center, there…

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The Basics of 2FA Verification

Basics of 2FA Verification

Have malicious hackers accessed your social or business accounts? Learn more about the basics of 2FA verification and decrease the likelihood of data breaches by implementing 2FA verification on your accounts. What Is 2FA Verification? Two-factor authentication is a verification process that strengthens security by requiring two verification methods. 2FA is a common type of multi-factor authentication (MFA), and…

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Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification Explained

Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification

Are you interested in working with national security organizations? DoD contracts require a Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification (CMMC), so you can’t work with them unless you meet all CMMC criteria. What Is Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification (CMMC)? Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification (CMMC) is a system of cybersecurity compliance levels. CMMC helps the Department of Defense decide if an organization has…

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SMB Cybersecurity Tips To Prevent Cyberattacks

SMB Cybersecurity Tips from G6 IT

If you’re a business owner, you’re no stranger to risks. Unfortunately, risks are just a part of running a company. However, some risks are more troublesome than others, like the risk of cyberthreats. As is true with any type of risk, the best way to minimize the danger they pose is to take preventive steps. In…

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